We paused campaign development to solidify the Foundation’s brand with positioning that honored that interesting tension between history and vision: “Taking care of the future since 1925.” That work allowed our team and the Foundation to work together confidently and successfully to raise the Foundation’s brand awareness holistically and refine a marketing strategy for the community endowment.
Denver Foundation: Taking Care of the Future Since 1925

Colorado’s oldest and largest community foundation
When Pyramid and The Denver Foundation first began working together, it was to design a marketing campaign to introduce a lesser known investment opportunity — the community endowment. Our early research found that accomplishing this feat would be difficult without first increasing the Foundation’s competitive edge over local philanthropic options that, in reality, couldn’t hold a candle to the Foundation’s unique blend of history and vision.

Back to branding basics

Looking to the web
A few years later, The Denver Foundation was entering a new era with a new CEO, new strategic vision, and new physical home. The team engaged us again for support with a complete website overhaul. Their old site was on an archaic platform, and had gotten cluttered over the years with hodgepodge updates and extraneous content.
An intuitive and streamlined digital experience
We got out our pruning shears and trimmed the site from 275+ pages down to 45 pages, and helped them create more streamlined experiences for their donors and for non-profits and individuals looking for funding.